How to get what you want (part one)

Jun 28, 2019

You know my favorite way to get what I want? Manifesting.

Is it magic? Kind of.
Is it easy? Not always.
Is it guaranteed? Usually.

Allow me to explain . . .

I’m a big believer in the power of manifestation. (If that word sounds too woo-woo to you, replace it with a word you like better and keep reading.)

What is manifestation? It’s knowing what you want, asking for it and then receiving it.

Sounds simple, right? Well, there’s actually a lot going on there.

The most important part of the equation is knowing what you want. This means getting really clear on what that is, and being very specific.

When you go to a coffee shop, you don’t just say “Give me some coffee”. If you want a large half-caff latte with almond milk and stevia, the only way you’ll get it is by clearly asking for it.

Let me give you another example: earlier this year I had the opportunity to speak at a conference. In addition to all of the preparation work I did, I set very specific goals for this experience, including exactly how many new clients I wanted.

“I would like 6 new private clients, 25 new group coaching clients and one amazing speaking opportunity, please.”

See how specific that is?

This became my mantra. I walked around saying it over and over.

“I would like 6 new private clients, 25 new group coaching clients and one amazing speaking opportunity, please.”

I’d make this announcement to anyone in earshot – both my husband and my dog could probably repeat it verbatim.

“I would like 6 new private clients, 25 new group coaching clients and one amazing speaking opportunity, please.”

Driving in my car, I’d repeat it out loud.

“I would like 6 new private clients, 25 new group coaching clients and one amazing speaking opportunity, please.”

So what happened? I got 7 new private clients, 27 new group coaching clients and was hired for the following year’s conference. Boom.

Did I get these results just by saying what I wanted? Nope. But there’s no way I would have gotten them if I hadn’t.

I’ve learned that by creating clarity around what I want, saying it out loud and rolling up my sleeves gives me the results I want nearly 100% of the time. I think part of the magic/science is that you have to believe you can have what you want, that a universal source is sitting around, waiting for you to put in a request. That belief shatters any roadblocks you might create for yourself, generating energy to move forward. Without this belief, only pure dumb luck will make it happen.

Speaking your request out loud and repeatedly makes it a part of your life. Soon it becomes something you accept as truth. By the time I got to the conference, there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that I would achieve my goals.

What do you want?

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