Not quite going as planned

May 26, 2023

So much has happened since my last newsletter, and just about nothing is as I expected it to be. Know what I mean? 

I’m on a rest break right now because of some foot pain. I really thought I’d be walking all or at least almost all of the miles on this journey. That’s just not how it is. Instead of increasing mileage, I’m cutting back so that I can walk more days.

This rest break has been like a nice vacation. And I’m ready to be back on the path. This morning I realized my time off has been like eating chocolate cake - some is good but more feels like too much. I want to be on the move.

One thing that is as expected is how much the Camino is an analogy for life. We can plan and plan and plan. Some of those plans may happen, some won’t. A friend observed that I’m rolling with it, and I feel like that’s one of the best lessons out here. Trust, roll with it, pay attention to what’s happening around you. 

While I’m wishing I was having a different experience, I’m also incredibly appreciative of the one I’m having. I’m learning and being reminded of so much. 

I’m also planning my return! Before I left, I decided I would host a retreat that includes a portion of the Camino. Right after I made that decision, I opened my university’s alumni magazine and found an alum who was so impacted by walking the Camino that he started a travel company to take others on it. Perfect.

I’ll also come back at some point to do the parts I had to skip. There is so much beauty here and I’m eager to see it. Not just the landscape, but also the people. There are so many magical people supporting pilgrims on this path. 💜

Two more weeks to go. Let’s see how it plays out!


p.s. Want to join me for a mini-Camino retreat? Email me at [email protected] and as I develop the details, I'll share them with you.

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