The Camino is just like your business

May 05, 2023

A seasoned Camino pilgrim shared this with me recently. He said in the beginning, you’re focused on how you feel physically, and how your body is doing. Even after training pretty diligently, I noticed that my body was shocked by the effort. The conditions here are so different - lots of hard surfaces and relentless sun. It’s been three weeks on the path now, and my body is finally getting used to this.

It’s like when you first start a business. Everything is new and there’s so much to do. You’re spinning lots of plates and trying to do it all.

I’m firmly in the mind part of my Camino journey now, wondering why I thought this was a good idea. I remember my original reasons, which include having loads of time to be alone with my thoughts. I forgot to be careful what I wish for! I find myself walking toward the next town, feeling mentally fatigued by the daily routine. I’m pulling out all of my tricks to keep myself moving.

Have you had a period of time like this in your business? There’s often a valley after the initial launch and success. It’s easy to question yourself when you’re walking through this valley. And if you keep walking, you get to …

the heart part. 💜

Which is what I’m really looking forward to. When I see my clients in this stage of their business, they’re focused on the impact they’re creating and the people they love to serve. They’re bringing their hearts into everything they do. 

I’m in the heart part of my business -  it’s joyful & delightful. It’s fun to show up and serve the wonderful women I work with. Knowing how good this feels in my business, I can’t wait to get here in my Camino

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