Three truths about abundance

Jul 12, 2024

Last night I had the pleasure of hosting a webinar where we dove into creating an abundance practice and teaming up with the Universe to get what we truly want. 

Some of what I shared with the group focused on truths I’ve learned:


Truth: The Universe is completely unlimited

We humans have a nasty habit of holding ourselves back. It’s easy for us to believe we’re limited, so we don’t feel we can receive or have or be as much as we desire. We limit our own dreams. 🙁

This is where the Universe comes in as a powerful partner. (I say Universe - you can use whatever wording feels right for you - God, Source, the Big Kahuna, Marge, whatever.)  

My experience is that the Universe has a much bigger and unlimited imagination than I do. 

Last year when I said “I will live in Boulder, CO,” I didn't know what that could look like or when it would be. I was thinking maybe someday I’d be able to rent an apartment or townhouse somewhere. 

In a total “hold my beer” moment, the Universe said “How about buying a house that’s in the ideal location - lovely neighborhood, at the foot of the mountains. It’s well under your budget, has great energy, and plenty of renovation potential. Oh, and how about right now?” The Universe led me to my dream house.

Can you feel the difference between my “dream” statement and the Universe saying “Wanna upgrade that?” There’s a vastness, a limitless feeling to what’s possible. 


Truth: The Universe loves to PLAY

I’ve come to learn how playful the Universe is. It loves to surprise and delight me (and you!), in ways big and small. Recently I was in my coach’s office for a session. We were joking around about how I deserved a gold star, so he looked for one in his desk but couldn’t find one. When I left his office and walked down the building stairs, there was a shiny gold star on one of the stairs. It felt like the Universe winking at me -  “See what I did?!?”

I believe the quality of play - the lightness and fun that goes along with it is a really important piece to abundance. Instead of holding things tightly - I want that and it has to look exactly like this! we can have an intention of what we want to receive and be open to however that looks. When we’re open, it very often shows up even better than we imagined. 


Truth: There’s a beautiful sense of ease when we partner with the Universe. 

It’s not just getting what you desire but getting what you desire with much more ease. You feel this when you have a relaxed confidence that your dreams are on their way to you. 

It could be other people enthusiastically supporting you to get what you desire. When we went into the home buying process, it felt incredible to have people who didn’t even know us step up to make sure we got our house:

- A friend connected us to a mortgage broker who dropped everything to get us the paperwork we needed within an hour 

- A local architect spent hours (at no charge) helping us understand what we were buying before we bought it

- The seller said yes to every request we had: reduction in price, a credit at closing, more time 

Sometimes the Universe shows up as other people. 


Your turn: how is abundance and the Universe showing up for you? Take a good look around you, because it’s there, just waiting for you to notice it. 

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