What's your story?
Dec 13, 2024
Ah, December. The speediest of months! One blink and you’re into January, with the new year swinging into action.
What story do you want to be able to tell about 2025? How do you want it to unfold, what do you want to include? How do you want to be?
Now’s the perfect time for you to dream all that up.
My favorite way is to write the Story of Your Year. It’s simple, easy, and the most enjoyable way I know to clarify your vision for yourself.
Here’s how:
Pretend it’s January 1, 2026 and you’re looking back on the whole of 2025. What’s the story you want to tell? What did you accomplish? What did you do, where did you go, who were you with, how were you being? Write out that story in such detail with the emotions you’re feeling so that you can see it coming true.
Be sure to leave some room for magic. ✨
Surprise! You’ve now also set your goals for next year. Everything you’ve written into that story is a goal that’s meaningful to you.
Definitely included in my story is leading a group on the Camino de Santiago again. It’s such a joy to continue to see the impact it’s having on my group members. Like one I spoke to this week, who realized the confidence she gained while walking the Camino has flowed into how she runs her business and how easily she makes decisions now.
Why not write the Camino into your story? I’ve made it easy for you - together with the group we’ll help you get all aspects of your life ready. Once we get to the Camino itself, all of the logistics like lodging and meals are taken care of. All you have to do is show up and dive into the experience.
Click here to learn more about it.