Give the Universe a task list Apr 14, 2022

In my retreats, we do a lot of strategizing and planning. That leads to mapping out the action steps we’ll take so that our plans come true and we achieve our goals. Everyone walks out with...

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Let’s normalize procrastination Apr 08, 2022

 True confession: I procrastinate. 

Right now you’re either connecting with that or silently judging me.

If I have two weeks to create something, I’m not really getting my...

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Never put a skunk on a bus Mar 31, 2022

I might be out of a job. 

There’s a 5-year-old boy who shared amazing advice with his mom when she mentioned feeling a little anxious about an upcoming meeting. In his own way, he...

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When Your Inner Story Is Completely Wrong Mar 17, 2022

I was running in our local park one day, chugging along the trails. I'm not a speedy runner, and sometimes there's a lot of self-talk to keep myself moving. This particular day was really warm and...

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What do you do with an idea? Feb 24, 2022

 Inspired by What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada

Two years ago, I had an idea. An idea to create a new group for my clients called Better Than Ever. So I did and launched it out into...

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Cast your net Feb 03, 2022

Tell me if this happens to you:

You create something new to offer your clients. You’re excited, you love what you’ve made and you’re ready to get it out there. 

Then comes...

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Is your strategy wasting your time? Feb 01, 2022

 Strategy is about shaping the future. - Max Mckeown

Strategy is a big word, but it’s really simple. It's all the choices, all the decisions, the compromises you make and the priorities...

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Why not believe this? Jan 21, 2022

When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2010, my oncologist said "We're going to blast this out of you!" I believed him so completely that when we met post-treatment and he told me the odds of...

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You can't want it more than they do Jan 13, 2022

Years ago I ran a nutrition practice. I knew my stuff and I loved working with people to help them get healthier and reach their goals.

Once in awhile I'd work with someone who simply didn't take...

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Why Things Don't Get Better Dec 30, 2021

How often do we hear Things will get better? Plenty, right? 

I think it's a different perspective, actually. When things get better, it's not always because they changed. It's...

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