Progress happens when it’s hard Jun 26, 2020

Thanks to live-streaming, I’ve been keeping up with my trainer’s workouts. During one last week, I was deep into it when he said something that made so much sense:

Progress happens...

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What can you invent out of this? Jun 19, 2020

Every December I have my tarot cards read for the coming year. It makes me really think about what could lie ahead for me and how I want to approach things.

Today I picked up my notes from my last...

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Why your roadblocks win Jun 15, 2020

Have you ever had trouble making something happen? Maybe you approached it with tons of enthusiasm and hard work but roadblocks stopped you from crossing that finish line.

I think I know...

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What are you leaving behind? Jun 05, 2020

It’s time to get ready for your trip. Despite travel restrictions, you’re definitely taking this one. We all are, actually, because it’s a trip into the future.

Lately I’ve...

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You have GOT to take better care of yourself May 15, 2020

I’ll make this quick: you have GOT to take better care of yourself!

You (yes you!) are struggling way too hard right now to not be doing everything you can to treat yourself...

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You’re not doing it wrong May 01, 2020

Years ago, I went through chemotherapy for my cancer treatment. It was like getting T-boned by an 18-wheeler. I had to take months off from work because I couldn’t think straight...

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You’re doing a great job Apr 24, 2020

I wanted to let you know: You’re doing an amazing job right now.

I see you working so hard to keep it together. To feed yourself and your family. To run your business while staying...

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You wouldn’t do this to a friend Apr 10, 2020

Would you speak to a friend that way?

 I’ve asked this question countless times when I hear someone berating herself for not doing enough or somehow failing to meet (her own...

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Pandemic Secret Weapon Apr 03, 2020

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. It’s not just the whole pandemic situation, I realize it’s more than that. It’s my expectations...

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Anxious? Make a list. Mar 27, 2020

How are you? I’m a bit anxious, to be honest. I’m flashing back to a time when I had cancer and regular chemotherapy treatments. The overwhelming sense of the unknown was scary...

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