I canโ€™t believe I waited 40 minutes! Dec 03, 2018

I can’t believe I had to wait 40 minutes!

I can’t believe I only waited 40 minutes! Whee!

Two similar sentences, two very different feelings behind them. And today I could have easily...

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I donโ€™t know why they bothered Nov 20, 2018

Naysayers. We’ve all got ’em in one form or another:

It’s that one friend who changes the subject every time you talk about a recent success.

It’s a relative who feels free...

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A little lovingkindness for you ๐Ÿ’œ Oct 05, 2018
 I don’t know about you, but a quick glance at the news is usually enough to send me into an angry tizzy. We’re living in contentious times, my friends. No matter what...
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Uncomfortable in Portugal Sep 14, 2018

Do you speak Portuguese? Neither do I.

This was abundantly clear as soon as we arrived in Lisbon last month. We traveled there from Spain, where everyone we met assured us that Portuguese is just...

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What can I get away with? Aug 31, 2018

I’ve written before about my deep love of You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero. There’s a mantra in there that took me a while to cozy up to, but once I did, it was a...

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Definition of success Aug 17, 2018

What’s your definition of success?

Did you know that you get to choose what success is? It’s absolutely true, you do.

I was thinking about this after speaking with a client recently....

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The open window Aug 03, 2018

One of my brilliant clients dropped a gorgeous piece of advice on me last week.

As we talked through something she’s working on (and feeling slightly out of sorts with), I asked her to close...

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Best place to have a meltdown Jul 27, 2018

Meltdowns. Temper tantrums. Whatever you call them, they happen to the best of us.

I had a spectacular one last week, complete with my favorite swear words, crying and not a little yelling...

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Swim in your own lane Jul 23, 2018

Pop quiz:
Pretend you’re at the gym, getting ready to lift a set of dumbbells. How does each of the following scenarios make you feel?

1) Using heavier dumbbells than ever before for...

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My Story vs. The Truth Jul 13, 2018

I was running in our local park one day, chugging along the trails. I’m not a speedy runner, and sometimes there’s a lot of self-talk to keep myself moving. This particular day was...

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