Who’s responsible for all of this? Aug 13, 2021

As a business owner, you have approximately 1.74 million things you have to accomplish each day. And no matter how many people are helping you, one thing is always true: YOU are ultimately...

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Don’t set it and forget it Aug 06, 2021

Even though it’s August and I want to have lots and lots of summer fun, it’s important for me to stay on track with my planning. It’s important for you as well. 


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My theme for August: FUN Jul 30, 2021

Summer seems to be the time of year that everyone grants themselves permission to slack off a little, to get out and enjoy the sunshine, hit the beach and so on. It’s like we’re...

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Are you the person who does THAT? Jul 23, 2021

I’ve got a great mantra to help me tackle tough things. Whenever I feel daunted by something I have to/want to do, I tell myself “I want to be the person who does that...

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Find your symbol to succeed Jul 16, 2021

We’ve talked recently about what limiting beliefs/broken soundtracks are and how to create positive messages to replace them

But what if you need a little extra...

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Do NOT feed this dog Jul 09, 2021

Last week I wrote about broken soundtracks AKA limiting beliefs. (You can check it out here.)

Here’s the deal with limiting beliefs: these are the most powerful roadblocks we face....

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Is your soundtrack broken or badass? Jul 02, 2021

I love me a good Jon Acuff book. His latest one, Soundtracks, is a knock-out. Acuff’s message is everything you think is part of your soundtrack. The more you listen to these...

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When your inner story is completely wrong Jun 11, 2021

I was running in our local park one day, chugging along the trails. I’m not a speedy runner, and sometimes there’s a lot of self-talk to keep myself moving. This particular day was...

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Done is better than perfect May 14, 2021

If ever there was a secret to success, it’s this:

Done is better than perfect.

Waiting for something to be perfect is a crisis of confidence. It’s turning up the volume on the...

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Life Gets Better By Change Apr 30, 2021

How many things do you put off until you have more time? Or until the planets align? Or you're better rested? Or [insert your own excuse here]? A lot, right? Yup, me too. 

It's always a great...

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