Journey vs. Destination Jul 20, 2016

Are you a journey person or a destination person? Do you enjoy the work it takes to get you to a goal, or is the end result the most important thing?

I’m a little of both. More...

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Plot Twist! Jul 13, 2016

Life is rarely linear and often has no interest in following whatever script we’ve written out for ourselves. I know for dead-certain that I didn’t plan to get cancer (or that...

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Should or Must? Jun 01, 2016

Are you doing what you should? Or what you must?

The words might seem similar, but believe me, there’s an enormous difference between the two.

Should is what the...

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Don’t think, just do May 04, 2016

Have you read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? It’s one of a few very funny books by Douglas Adams. I was thinking of a scene in it where the alien Zaphod Beeblebrox teaches the...

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The hair that cancer gave me Apr 27, 2016


“I love your hair. Seriously. You have the best hair!”

My coffee date has just joined me at a window table in Starbucks. This is our second meeting, the first...

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Shining my light Apr 18, 2016

 You never know when the Universe will bitch-slap you with some truth.

I sat down for lunch recently, pulling out the latest Oprah magazine. “Mmmm,” I thought, “Elizabeth...

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Don’t should on me Mar 30, 2016

I was in a meeting recently, receiving feedback on some work I’m doing. One participant’s feedback reminded me of two really good pieces of advice that are the only things keeping me...

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You’re a VIP Mar 02, 2016

 A few years back I attended the the National Speakers Association’s Winter Conference in Austin, TX. It was my very first NSA experience and I loved so much about it.

As a newbie,...

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Dangle the carrot Feb 16, 2016

I’m gonna level with you: it’s never quite enough for me to do what I know I should just because it’s good for me.

For example, my focus for February is extreme...

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Gathering Goodness Feb 10, 2016

It’s easy to respond to the grenades life throws at us with fear. So often when the ground is pulled out from underneath us, all we can do is claw frantically at anything that may hold...

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