Don’t look at your feet Aug 19, 2022

I was in a meeting recently and one of the participants told us about something she’s working really hard on. While we cheered her on, another woman said Don’t forget to focus on the...

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When one horse shows up, you feed it Aug 12, 2022

This morning we had one of our regular meetings for my coaching group. Thanks to vacations and illness, only one of the members was able to attend. As we settled into the call, that one member...

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☀️Summer FUN ☀️ Aug 05, 2022

 Summer seems to be the time of year that everyone grants themselves permission to slack off a little, to get out and enjoy the sunshine, hit the beach and so on. It’s like we’re...

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I finally understand this quote Jul 29, 2022

Years ago, someone shared this quote:

The moment one commits oneself, then Providence moves too.

I heard her say it, but I didn’t really hear it. To me, it sounded like so many...

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Are you the person who does THAT? Jul 23, 2022

I've got a great mantra to help me tackle tough things. Whenever I feel daunted by something I have to/want to do, I tell myself “I want to be the person who does that.”

  • Speaking at a...
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📣Shouting from the rooftops! 📣 Jun 30, 2022

You ever get so excited about something you want to shout it from the rooftops? Me too!

I just had the most amazing 3 days with an inspiring group of business owners as we came together for my...

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From fear to fun Jun 24, 2022

 After two-plus years of hunkering down during the pandemic, we were finally taking a big hiking trip again. This is our favorite type of trip - lacing up our boots, strapping on a pack and...

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Don’t feed this dog Jun 09, 2022

 I recently wrote about broken soundtracks AKA limiting beliefs. (You can check it out here.) 

Here’s the deal with limiting beliefs: these are the most powerful roadblocks we face....

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Strategy for Dummies May 13, 2022

Man, I just went down a rabbit hole! After deciding that this post’s topic is Strategy For Dummies, I checked out the website for the “For Dummies” book series. It’s been a...

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Put down the duckie Apr 29, 2022

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: nothing will get in your way like you do. Nothing. 

We humans are extraordinarily good at coming up with roadblocks. Sometimes...

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