How will you create yourself today? Mar 03, 2023

I’m just back from my coaching retreat and to say it was impactful is to understate things dramatically.

One of my favorite questions from our time together is: How will you create yourself...

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Who are you hanging out with? Feb 24, 2023

As you’re reading this, I’m in Texas spending several days with my coach and my peers. One of my favorite things about running my own business is spending time in community with other...

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Cut yourself some slack Feb 10, 2023

I’m about 2 months away from heading to Spain to walk the Camino de Santiago. It’s a really exciting time of planning & preparing & shopping for gear. Love that last part...

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You can’t control this Feb 03, 2023


Think about goals you’ve set for your business, like “I will gain 10 new clients” or “I will increase my revenue by 25%”. Great goals, right? 


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That was AWESOME Jan 26, 2023

You ever get so excited about something you want to shout it from the rooftops? Me too!

I just had the most amazing 3 days with an inspiring group of business owners as we came together for my...

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11 more steps Jan 20, 2023

In 2018, two men individually attempted to become the first person to complete a solo, unsupported and unaided trek across Antarctica. For almost two months, these intrepid explorers pulled...

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What my clients have taught me Jan 06, 2023

One of the really cool things about the women I get to work with is what they teach me in return. I’m always inspired by what they do and I appreciate all of the learning they share with me....

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Big plans for 2023 Dec 30, 2022

A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for. 

I don’t know about you, but I spent quite a bit of 2020 - 2021 trying to feel safe. Much like a ship in the harbor, I...

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Got you a present! 🎁 Dec 23, 2022

It’s the holiday season, which can only mean one thing: PRESENTS!


Here’s a present for you: my Wrap It Up Workbook.

I take my clients through this every December, and also work...

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I played it WAY too safe Dec 16, 2022

Every December I take myself and my clients through exercises to wrap up the current year before we start the new one. I love this for so many reasons, especially that it’s a neat way to...

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