Can you predict the future? Dec 03, 2021

 Can you predict the future? Absolutely. 

You predict the future when you create it. It all starts with your vision.

Vision is a really big word, isn't it? What do you think of when I say...

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My favorite boundaries (and why they matter) Nov 26, 2021

They say when you first bring home a puppy that you need to establish boundaries so it knows where it’s allowed to go and where it’s not. This helps keep your new pup out of trouble...

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The exact definition of success Oct 28, 2021

 Who knows the exact definition of success? You. 

No matter what the dictionary or social media tells you - you get to decide what success is and what’s exactly right for you. ...

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Read this and be happier 😃 Oct 15, 2021

How’re you doing? Are you feeling your best? Happy as can be? Firing on all cylinders? 

Me neither. 

Which is why I pulled this technique out of my bag of tricks earlier this...

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Don’t look at your feet Oct 08, 2021

I was in a meeting this week and one of the participants told us about something she’s working really hard on. While we cheered her on, another woman said “Don’t forget to focus...

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This is what success looks like now Sep 24, 2021

We’re led to believe that success looks like crossing the finish line, raising the trophy overhead, signing a new client or seeing that number on the scale. That’s not the whole...

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Is your To-Do List more like To-Didn’t? Sep 10, 2021

Raise your hand if you ever move tasks from one day’s to-do list to the next day. And then the next day. And the next and the next and  . . . 

Believe me, I’ve been...

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Accountability: it’s not what you think it is Sep 02, 2021

Accountability is a magic wand. It’s the secret sauce that helps you achieve whatever you want. It practically guarantees you’ll hit your mark. 

And it’s not what you think...

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This is more important than your action plan Aug 27, 2021

When I talk about planning, most people immediately think of action plans or the steps that’ll take them from A to Z. It makes sense – we do actually need to know how we’re going...

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When it doesn’t work out the way you expected Aug 20, 2021

What do you do when the idea you’re 1000% certain about turns out to be wrong? 

About three or four years ago, as I was running a goal setting workshop, I met a participant who was so...

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