One way to feel better Mar 20, 2020

Oh my dears, what a time we’re in. How are you? Anxious? Frustrated? Scared? Apprehensive? Me too.

I’ve got an idea:

Let’s make some lovingkindness.

I’ve shared this...

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What can you get away with? Feb 28, 2020

I’ve written before about my deep love of You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero. There’s a mantra in there that took me a while to cozy up to, but once I did, it was a...

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It’s so easy . . . Feb 14, 2020

One of my brilliant clients dropped a gorgeous piece of advice on me recently.

As we talked through something she’s trying to sort out, I asked her to close her eyes and speak what advice...

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How to meet a rock legend (and do anything else you want to do) Jan 31, 2020

Let’s just start with the big news:


I’m so freakin’ excited about this, for a lot of reasons:

He’s always been my favorite guitarist (sure, there was...

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11 More Steps Dec 20, 2019

This time last year, two men individually attempted to become the first person to complete a solo, unsupported and unaided trek across Antarctica. For almost two months,...

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3 Ways to Wrap Up 2019 Dec 09, 2019

You probably already do some year-end activities that help you determine how your year went, like evaluating goals and taking a good look at all of your numbers. That kind of nuts &...

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The Now/Next Rule Nov 04, 2019

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed.

Keep it raised if you feel overwhelmed now.

And if you can’t raise your hand because you’re juggling too many things, I get...

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Have the confidence to do less Oct 11, 2019

As anyone who’s tackled something new & big knows, it can be daunting. Will you be good at it? Will people like it? Will you look stupid? Will you succeed?

This is especially true...

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How not to strangle someone Sep 13, 2019

Ever have someone push your buttons once too often? Yep, me too. This has also come up a few times recently with my coaching clients as well. We can complain about it, or we can do...

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Out of the blue! Aug 30, 2019

It happened again this week.

I’m in a coaching session with a client and she tells me about a new client she just landed. It’s exactly the type of work she recently identified as...

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